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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Maximizing Growth Through Personalized CX and Cross-Selling

Using a "Growth Through Personalization" (GTP) framework, businesses have been able to dive into personalization successfully, maximize the data at their disposal, and identify the right moments to offer the right products or services, via the right communication channels.

The state of AI in Puerto Rico 2024

The state of AI in Puerto Rico 2024

V2A Consulting conducted a broad survey of Puerto Rican organizations to assess their adoption and use of Artificial Intelligence tools thus far.  A broad cross-section of organizations, over 100 in total, responded to our survey, covering over 15 sectors of the economy and ranging in size from large multinational organizations to medium and small businesses.

Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, qué es y cómo ayuda a tu organización

Natural Language Processing, what it is and how it helps your organization

In this episode, Paul Cohen, Steven González, and Federico Forsythe talk about natural language processing (NLP), a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence that is used to extract information from thousands of hours of recorded audio or millions. of writings. pages without having to listen to or read what they say.

Natural Language Processing, what it is and how it helps your organization

Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, can be used to extract valuable insights for any company with large amounts of unstructured data like audio files (e.g., customer calls) and text documents (e.g., interviews notes).

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